
Legal information

Parkresort Rheinfelden Holding AG
Roberstenstrasse 31
CH-4310 Rheinfelden
Phone +41 61 836 66 11
Fax +41 61 836 66 12
Email: info(at)parkresort.ch

design & technical implementation

Gerbegässlein 1
CH-4450 Sissach


Liability for content

Our website has been created with great care and is continually updated. However, we do not assume any liability for the accuracy or thoroughness of the content. Parkresort Rheinfelden Holding AG accepts no liability for damages or consequential loss resulting from the use or unavailability of our website.

Liability for links

We assume no liability for links to third party websites over the content of which we have no influence. The provider or operator of the site(s) concerned is responsible for the content of the linked sites. At the time of linking, the links were checked by us for illegal content and we did not identify any legal violations. Permanent inspection of the content of the linked websites is not feasible. Should we have concrete evidence of a violation of the law, we will remove the link in question immediately.


In creating and maintaining our website, we have observed the copyright of others or have used our own or licence-free works. Contributions from third parties are marked as such.

The content of our website is subject to copyright. The reproduction, editing, distribution and any kind of use outside the limits of copyright law must be approved by us in writing. Downloads and copies from our website are permitted for private use only.