
General terms and conditions

Good to know

General terms and conditions

Our General Terms and Conditions apply to contracts for the rental of conference, banquet and event rooms for events as well as to all other related services and goods supplied by Park-Hotel am Rhein AG such as catering and accommodation.

After making a reservation you will receive confirmation of booking. The contract shall be binding on Park-Hotel am Rhein AG only if confirmed in writing by the customer within 14 days.


Option dates are binding for both parties. After the option dates have expired, Park-Hotel am Rhein AG reserves the right to rent out the reserved premises/hotel rooms to others without requesting to do so. If inquiries are made for the same date, we reserve the right to contact you before the option period expires.


4.1 Park-Hotel am Rhein AG shall provide the services requested by the organiser and agreed by Park-Hotel am Rhein AG.

4.2 The organiser shall pay the agreed prices for these services to Park-Hotel am Rhein AG. This also applies to services provided to and expenses paid to third parties by Park-Hotel am Rhein AG's in connection with the event.

4.3 The agreed prices are stated in Swiss Francs (CHF) and include VAT.

4.4 Prices for room rentals, food, drinks and rooms are subject to change.

4.5 No refund shall be paid for services not used as part of packages.

4.6 Park-Hotel am Rhein AG invoices are payable in full within 30 days of invoice date.

4.7 Park-Hotel am Rhein AG is entitled to an appropriate advance payment at any time. The amount of the advance payment and the payment dates shall be subject to contract. For weddings, the following advance payment conditions shall apply:

  • Apéro deposit CHF 1'000.00
  • Apéro & wedding dinner deposit CHF 2'000.00

Following receipt of first confirmation, ParkHotel am Rhein AG will demand payment of deposit. In the event of increased order volume we reserve the right to adjust the above sums.

Decoration work or furnishing changes at your request will be charged in accordance with labour expended. Changes to furnishings are not permitted without prior consultation with Park-Hotel am Rhein AG.

Banners, flags and special lights can be installed in consultation with our head of services or electrician.

The customer shall inform Park-Hotel am Rhein AG of the final number of participants at least 48 hours before the event. After this period, we reserve the right to charge for deviations of more than 5% if there are fewer guests.

8.1 For cancellation of banquets (weddings see 8.2.), seminars and meetings, Park-Hotel am Rhein AG charges a flat rate or a percentage of the selected menu and the reserved number of persons or the seminar flat rate / room rental:

  • up to 40 days before event: 10 % (min. CHF 300.00) • 39 - 15 days before event: 50 %
  • 14 - 7 days before event: 75 %
  • 6- 0 days before event or no-show: 100 %

If no services have been agreed with the organiser, the following amount multiplied by the number of persons registered is owed by the organiser within the scope of the percentages listed above:

  • aperitif CHF 25.00
  • lunch CHF 55.00
  • dinner CHF 85.00

8.2 In the event of cancellations of weddings, Park-Hotel am Rhein AG charges a lump sum or a percentage of the selected menu and the reserved number of persons:

  • up to 153 days before the event: deposit not refundable
  • 152 - 90 days before the event: 50%
  • 89 - 15 days before the event: 75%
  • 14 - 0 days before the event: 100%

If no services have been agreed with the organiser, the following amount multiplied by the number of persons registered is owed by the organiser within the scope of the percentages listed above:

  • aperitif CHF 60.00
  • dinner CHF 140.00

9.1 Groups in terms of these terms and conditions are groups of seven or more persons. A group invoice will be issued. For a group of less than seven persons single prices apply. There is no right to group prices. Subject to agreement, group prices can be granted subject to availability and demand.

9.2 Reservations must be confirmed in writing. Park-Hotel am Rhein AG must be notified of the final list of names of the group members at least seven days before arrival. In the event of cancellation, Park-Hotel am Rhein AG will charge a percentage of the services booked as follows:

  • up to 31 days before arrival: no charge
  • 30 - 23 days before arrival: 25%
  • 22 - 15 days before arrival: 50%
  • 14 - 7 days before arrival: 75%
  • 6 - 0 days before arrival or no-show: 100%

9.3 During trade fair periods, other terms and conditions apply for cancellation.

Parents are responsible for the supervision of their children. Park-Hotel am Rhein AG declines all liability in the event of accidents. Staying in our park is permitted at customer's own risk. Due caution is required in the park. In the event of accidents, all liability is declined.

11.1 The insurance of brought-in exhibition objects is the responsibility of the organiser. Park- Hotel am Rhein AG cannot accept any responsibility for lost or damaged objects.

11.2 Park-Hotel am Rhein AG accepts no liability for coats, umbrellas, bags and other items deposited in our cloakroom.

11.3 Park-Hotel am Rhein AG does not accept any responsibility for any damage to cars parked on its free parking lot or in the paid parking garage.


In the absence of any other written agreements, the customer shall purchase all food and beverages from Park-Hotel am Rhein AG. For food and drinks brought in, an extra fee/corkage will be charged.

  • Brought-in wedding cake CHF 5.00 per person
  • Wine CHF 40.00 per 75cl bottle

Extension of your event from midnight up to 2am will be charged at CHF 300.00. From 2am onwards, CHF 100.00 will be charged for each hour or part thereof.

Out of consideration for our other guests, music must cease at 2.00 am. After midnight the volume of the music must be reduced to the volume of the hall. From 10pm doors and windows must be kept shut.

It is not permitted to ignite fireworks on the premises of the Parkresort (incl. the park grounds).

The customer is liable to Park-Hotel am Rhein AG for all damages and losses caused by customer or third parties, without Park-Hotel am Rhein AG having to prove fault on the part of the customer. Park-Hotel am Rhein AG accepts no liability for property brought onto its premises by the customer, the organiser, speakers, participants or third parties.

In the event of force majeure (fire, flood, demonstration, etc.) Park-Hotel am Rhein AG reserves the right to withdraw from this contract.

Any additional services such as music, flowers, etc. are charged at 100%.

These General Terms and Conditions and the contracts based on them are subject to Swiss law. Rheinfelden is agreed as the place of performance and jurisdiction. However, Park-Hotel am Rhein AG is also free to take legal action at the place of residence or registered office of the customer.

Rheinfelden December 2016 (subject to change)

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